Queer 2 Queer Film Festival
Our Winter 2022-23 Season Has Ended
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Queer 2 Queer
That Ol’ Gay Classic
Blog Posts
What “Resident Evil: Apocalypse” Teaches Us About Framing a Protagonist
The “Resident Evil” film franchise is synonymous with failure in many movie-goers' eyes, both the casual and critical alike. These action-horror flicks featuring Amazon warrior Milla...
In the know, “Bros.” – Five who-reasons this box office bomb blew, and why none of these reasons reflect the quality of the movie Itself.
1. Billie Eichner… What makes for a captivating leading personality? It’s a nuanced answer, as performers offer as many different box office draws as there are different kinds of films. When was the...
“Dr. Kim Hunter and the Apparition” is an Entertaining Vehicle for Dallas performer Chaselyn Wade
If you’re a nineties kid like me, then you likely grew up with campy spook-fests like “Tales from theCrypt,” “Are you Afraid of the Dark,” and “Goosebumps.” The effects were often dated, the stories...
The Queer 2 Queer Film Festival is the only program of its kind in North Texas and the only program of its kind that provides filmmakers a global reach to a global audience.
Please also check out the Queer Films directory at the link above, for more queer cinema.

Our mission is to showcase the LGBTQ+ films that prime time can’t handle (yet), celebrate queerness in all its forms, speak exclusively to the community, and tell stories unmarred by pandering decisions geared towards mainstream or crossover appeal.
We screen movies that are “too queer” for people who aren’t allies yet.
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